Sarah Levy - Author Page

Sarah Levy is a self-confessed recovering personal development addict!

What started as a 'mild interest' turned into a consuming passion... eventually leading her to 'put pen to paper' as a way of reaching more people. She finds the human mind fascinating and is a keen observer of how people live restricted lives through having limiting beliefs and believing every negative thought that they have.

Sarah's favourite quote is from Syd Banks:

'You are one thought away from happiness, one thought away from sadness - the secret lies in thought.'

Her work has repeatedly shown that we can indeed all make improvements to our lives by changing the way we think. 

Whilst Sarah usually writes in the area of personal devlopment, positivity and mindset, her latest book, 'How Not to Date a Dickhead', is a deviation from her favourite subject. 

She was was inspired to write this book after seeing so many girlfriends get hooked into a cycle of always dating 'unsuitable' men… and being totally blind to their faults. As a mother of two, with concerns for her son and daughter's future happiness, Sarah realised that women need to be told the reasons why they keep dating self-centred men and to be shown how to break free of the Dickhead Dating Trap... so that they can finally find lifelong happiness with the man of their dreams.

How Not to Date a Dickhead:

Every Girl's Guide on How Not to Be Taken for a Ride

Are you desperate to break the cycle of dating one dickhead after another?

Do you hate yourself for constantly falling for men who treat you like a doormat and make you feel small and worthless?

Do you long to meet your ideal man who will love you, respect you, cherish you and make you feel gorgeous?

Your dreams really can come true.

In this book you'll discover…

  • the hidden reason why you continue to be drawn to dickheads
  • the 4 vital questions you must ask yourself before you can ever truly break free from the Dickhead Dating Trap
  • the FAST Method that will instantly stop you from being treated like a doormat
  • the 7 red flag warning signs that tell you it's time to ditch him… and fast
  • the one thing it is essential to stop doing before you can ever find real love
  • the simple way to check if your new love is the real deal or not

and much more!

Why should you read this book?

Girls, whatever your situation, single or struggling with dating jerks, this book is for you!

If you’re dating a dickhead now, then this book will help you to see the reality of the situation you’re in.

If you’re single and you’re out there in the big wide world of dating – or if you keep dating bad men – then this book will give you some pointers as to whether your new date is really the man you’d like him to be... or even the man he pretends to be.

Don’t get sucked in by his charms and fall into the Dickhead Dating Trap.

Whether you are over 'a certain age' and feel too old now for dating, or you are in your teens, by the end of this book you will know everything there is to know about how not to date a dickhead!

How about weeding all those dickheads out of your life and clearing some space so you can allow a decent man in at last?

You owe it to yourself, don’t you?

Girls, get your copy now and start living your best life possible!